
August 17, 2010


Before I made this list I thought I had seen dozens of musicals. It turned out that no, I did not. From a very short list of about 15 movies, these are the 10 that stood out the most.

 10. Moulin Rouge
The first time I watched this movie, I hated it. I still dislike it, but I've fallen for the theatricality of the whole thing. And some of the songs here are pretty catchy. However, let it be known, I still dislike this movie. But the music was so good!

9. Singing in the Rain
While I wasn't into the movie in it's entirety, this song is pretty amazing. Many a time I have walked in the rain humming this tune! Nothing spectacular in this movie, except the music.

8. Fiddler on the Roof
A decent movie but with one of the best songs I've ever heard in a musical film! In its entirety, it wasn't that great. In fact, this song is the only reason it made it to 8. I'm quickly learning that I don't like most musicals. This is a simple scene with nothing too spectacular yet the song, and the dance especially, made this one hell of a good musical.

7. Labyrinth
This had to make it into the list. There's no denying that this was one strange movie (David Bowie?!) but it was still pretty cool. Not the best thing I've ever watched but the setting and crazy characters along with decent songs make this one of the better musicals I've watched.

6. Annie
Annie was fun. I like a spectacular movie and this was not a spectacular movie. Despite the lack of grandour, I was still pleased, if not glad, that I watched Annie. The songs are fun and that girl is so funny looking. What more could you ask for?

5. The King and I
And now we get to the good stuff. The King and I, with all it's costumes and elaborate designs, fits the profile of the musical I'm looking for. With bitchin' songs and an interesting story, this film is the one that got me into the musical scene. And how could you go wrong with this song?

4. Mary Poppins
Probably the second musical I fell in love with after discovering The King and I, Mary Poppins was above and beyond the scale of The King and I. This musical combined a good film and good musical scenes so well that it's no wonder that its legacy still lives on today.

3. The Nightmare Before Christmas
I hate the majority of people who love this movie, but I do love the movie. Hot Topic makes 90% of it's profits by slapping this name on everything (a lie). And that Nightmare Revisted CD? What the fuck? Despite the ugly following and disappointing merchandise, this musical still contains some of the best songs ever, the coolest setting ever, a good story, and it's stop motion! Watch it and forget everything else and this would definitely make it into the top 10 musicals. Now top ten movies, that's a different story...

2. Grease
Of course Grease. This movie has some of the best songs I've ever heard in a movie and it was just super cool. John Travolta was good but it was Olivia Newton John that I was going crazy for. And she's totally hot at the end. This musical was just pure fun and deserves a top spot for that, but not the top spot.

1. Chicago
Definitely the best musical I have ever seen. First of all, it takes place during the best time period and is completely suitable for the story, which was also really good. The production costs were high and it shows. This musical was beautifully choreographed, shot superbly, acted finely, sung amazingly, and was just crazy good. This is what all musicals should be.

Due to the lack of good musicals, there are only 2 honorable mentions.
  • Little Shop of Horrors
  • There's No Business Like Show Business

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